The Art of Cooking the Perfect Beef Shoulder Steak

beef shoulder steak recipe

For those who appreciate the leanness and hearty flavor profile of a well-prepared beef steak, you’re in for a treat! Our beef shoulder steak recipe involves tender, juicy, and mouthwatering results that will satisfy even the savviest of steak connoisseurs. Join us as we delve into the world of selection, preparation, cooking, and savoring this marvelous, protein-rich dish.

Selecting the Beef Shoulder Steak Prime Ingredients

Choosing the finest ingredients is the first step towards achieving culinary success. Here’s an easy-to-follow shopping list for our fabulous beef shoulder steak recipe:

1. Two 10oz beef shoulder steaks.

2. Freshly ground coarse black pepper and sea salt for imparting a balanced flavor.

3. Fresh rosemary, sage, and thyme to enhance the overall aroma and taste.

4. Two clove of garlic and olive oil for heightened aroma.

5. Red wine for flavor complement and deglazing the pan.

6. Butter for rich, buttery texture and caramelized onions for serving on the side.

Cooking Your Beef Shoulder Steak

Now, let’s move onto the preparation phase of the recipe. Once the steak is seasoned with the herbs, salt, pepper, and garlic, a searing hot pan awaits to help us achieve that mouthwatering crust on the steak. After a few minutes on each side, we add a generous knob of butter, and let the steak base in its rich, nutty goodness.

The steak is then rested properly while the pan is deglazed with some red wine, scraping the bottom for all those precious brown bits – this creates a magnificent sauce that’s later drizzled over the rested steak.

Related Recipe:  Savor the Flavor of Classic Homemade Beef Bolognese

Tasting Notes

As you indulge in this delightful beef shoulder steak, you’ll find the meat tender and bursting with flavor. The aromatic herbs and garlic contribute delicate notes, while the butter imparts a luxurious, velvety touch. The result is a hearty and satisfying steak experience that encapsulates the essence of classic steakhouse dishes in your own dining room.

Disclaimer: Proper handling of raw meat is essential for food safety. Actual cooking times may vary with the thickness of your steak and the performance of your heating appliances.

FAQ: Can leftover cooked steak be reused? It can, indeed – just store in the refrigerator and use within 2-3 days.


This beef shoulder steak recipe serves as a clear roadmap for anyone wanting an easy, yet incredibly tasty, homemade steak. From careful selection, seasoning, and accurately executing the cooking process, to plating up a dish garnished with a rich, delectable sauce and caramelized onions – every step is worth savoring. Happy cooking!


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